法布雷加斯出席名設計師Angel Schlesser的新品發表會。
"@JCBiggs to play 1st team football and get away from man city!"
里茲聯門將小舒梅切爾(Kasper Schmeichel)解釋他在2009年離開曼城加盟諾茨郡的原因。(http://twitter.com/kpschmeichel1)
"With the beautiful Martina Klein and the great Angel Schlesser in the presentation of his new fragrance http://yfrog.com/h7sdrnkj"
“在新香水發表會上,與偉大的Angel Schlesser和美麗的(名模)Martina Klein相遇。”
兵工廠中場法布雷加斯(Cesc Fabregas),出席了西班牙知名設計師Angel Schlesser的新品發表會。(http://twitter.com/cesc4official)
"At the beach with @Malenacosta7 yfrog.com/h8o4dsuj"
“與Malena Costa在海灘。”
巴塞隆納後衛普約爾(Carles Puyol),與女友名模Malena Costa抽空去海灘曬日光浴。(http://twitter.com/Carles5puyol)
"I would like to send a lot of positive energy to my friends who will start today the decision of Copa Libertadores!! Ney and Elano!! Good luck brothers!!"
巴塞隆納右後衛阿爾維斯(Daniel Alves)為巴西球隊桑托斯的好友加油,他們今天要與佩納羅爾進行南美自由者盃決賽首回合。(http://twitter.com/DaniAlvesD2)