"The comeback made by Elche was incredible against a great team like Valladolid. Congratulations. Football is the best sport in the world."
兵工廠中場法布雷加斯(Cesc Fabregas)祝賀艾爾切,在首輪西甲升級附加賽次回合落後0:1(總比分落後0:2),還能逆轉淘汰巴亞多利德。(http://twitter.com/cesc4official)
"I am going to follow the F1 championship around the world when I retire in a few yrs....great sport."
曼聯和英格蘭後衛里奧費迪南(Rio Ferdinand)看來已經想好掛靴後的退休生活。(http://twitter.com/rioferdy5)
"Just watching finding nemo with Kai. Didn't realise how how good kids films are."
曼聯球星魯尼(Wayne Rooney)利用假期為兒子找好電影。(http://twitter.com/#!/WayneRooney).
"Thanks for all the love! Your words of encouragement mean a lot to me. Thanks again! You are all the best, I'm so very thankful!"
華盛頓特區聯隊前鋒查理戴維斯(Charlie Davies)感謝所有留言給他的球迷。(http://twitter.com/CharlieDavies9)
"Looking forward to the England U21s V Spain U21s Come on boys!!! @dwelbeck19 Live Sky Sports 1 From 7pm"
曼聯的英格蘭後衛布朗(Reece Brown),展現對自己國家參加歐洲U21錦標賽的支持。(http://twitter.com/ReeceBrown1991)
原文:Footballers on Twitter today: Football is the best sport in the world - Fabregas