"Second chances exist. But I do not think everyone in the world deserves them."
"A BBQ tonight with some friends + family...and maybe a few drinks to wash it all down nicely!! Aim of the evening must be to #stayonyourfeet"
里奧費迪南(Rio Ferdinand)暑假的社交活動,其中有些事情是足球員在球季中不被允許的。(http://twitter.com/rioferdy5)
"did yoga with a barbados yoga teacher-talk about chilled!!!!"
艾佛頓隊長菲爾內維爾(Phil Neville),試圖從瑜珈中放鬆,並尋求內心的平靜。(chilled在這裡可能是雙關語,有請高手解惑)(http://twitter.com/fizzer18)
"looking for some new golf clubs any of pros on here recommend what taylormade ones to get thanks"
黑池中場查理亞當(Charlie Adam)在推特詢問高爾夫建議,也許他正在計劃從足球場退休後的新職業生涯?(http://twitter.com/Charlie26Adam)
"Welcome to man utd phil jones. Looking forward to playing with u"
菲爾瓊斯剛剛從布萊克本流浪者轉會曼聯,紅魔球星魯尼(Wayne Rooney)發文表示歡迎。(http://twitter.com/#!/WayneRooney)
原文:Footballers on Twitter today: Not everyone deserves second chances - Neymar