"Hi everybody!!! Very sad day for the football. Patrick Vieira retiring as a profesional footballer. Great player and better person."
“Hi各位!足球非常哀傷的一天,維埃拉(Patrick Vieira)告別職業球員生涯正式退休,他是個偉大的球員也是個好人。”
曼城後衛薩巴萊塔(Pablo Zabaleta)對於隊友在35歲時高掛球靴感到難過。(http://twitter.com/pablo_zabaleta)
"My performance was not very good yesterday but the Brazilian national team have a good squad and we turned the game around!"
巴西門將塞薩爾(Julio Cesar)對自己表現很失望,同時感謝隊友努力擊敗了厄瓜多。(http://twitter.com/#!/Juliocesargol1)
"Our young keeper Ben Amos to me this morning..."u were in my dream last night rio...chasing me with dog poo" crackers!!"
曼聯後衛里奧費迪南(Rio Ferdinand)變身為《夜半鬼上床》裡的夢中殺人狂佛萊迪(Freddy Krueger)? (http://twitter.com/rioferdy5)
"And the rest of yall racist people, I see you .. * shrugs * keep hating cuz that's what you do best.. And don't ever stop doin that.. Lmao"
“那些種族主義者,我看著你……*聳肩* 繼續充滿恨意吧,因為那是你們所能做最好的事……千萬別停止啊……真是笑死我了”
前利物浦射手巴貝爾(Ryan Babel)聽說自己是種族主義者的目標時,覺得非常好笑。(http://twitter.com/RyanBabel)
(Lamo是Laughing My Ass Off,笑得屁股都掉了,也就是帶有嘲笑的意味。)
"Me and my brother mumu!! One of the best there is in football!!! Let's go my mumu!!http://yfrog.com/ki8x1gj"
巴塞隆納後衛阿爾維斯(Daniel Alves)看來和葡萄牙前鋒中鋒馬庫庫拉(Ariza Makukula)有點像。(http://twitter.com/DaniAlvesD2)
原文出處:Footballers on Twitter today: Very sad day for football - Pablo Zabaleta