阿奎羅在馬競時的球衣上,名字印著Kun Aguero。
"Learning how the play the drums with @WMakinaciones ooohhhh moc moc http://yfrog.com/h8dagrqj "
“正在跟Wahin Makinaciones學打鼓。”
普約爾(Carles Puyol)說不定想在職業球員生涯結束後開創另一條道路。可能很多人都不知道,巴塞隆納的替補門將平托(José Manuel Pinto)業餘時是一名嘻哈音樂作曲者兼製作人,他創立自己的品牌就是Wahin Makinaciones。(http://twitter.com/Carles5puyol)
"Would love to see Sneijder, Etoo, Kaka or Benzema in the PL."
艾佛頓前鋒薩哈(Louis Saha)希望能有更多世界級的球星加盟英超球隊。 (http://twitter.com/louissaha08)
"7 to 5 subs decided upon because some clubs struggled to be able to name 7 subs the twitterverse tells me unanimously..give youth a chance"
曼聯後衛里奧費迪南(Rio Ferdinand)對於聯賽決定讓球隊只列5名替補表示失望。(http://twitter.com/rioferdy5)
"The People magazine writes I told about Kun to them. I've NEVER spoken to anyone of this magazine. it's FALSE"
馬德里競技前鋒佛蘭(Diego Forlan)否認他有向雜誌談起阿奎羅(Sergio Aguero)的事情。(http://twitter.com/DiegoForlan7)
"Came off today because i felt my ankle...going for a scan tomorrow will let you know...spending my evening with @Jack_Marshall_ :)"
“今天休息,因為我覺得腳踝……明天要去檢查一下,會讓你們知道的……今晚和Jack Marshall一起過。”
兵工廠中場威爾謝爾希望他的傷勢沒有很嚴重。感謝網友yaya留言指正,Jack Marshall是一名患有腦癌的5歲小孩,據說他最愛的球隊是曼聯XD。(http://twitter.com/JackWilshere)
Footballers on Twitter today: Learning how to play the drums - Carles Puyol